maio 272015

NEQUIMED10: Celebrating 10 years of the NEQUIMED.

The Medicinal Chemistry Group is celebrating 10 years of foundation at the IQSC-USP with a set of presentations for the whole community.
28th of May
2 p.m. Carlos A. Montanari & Andrei Leitão
Opening & Historical Background

2:20 p.m. Charles Laughton (The University of Nottingham, UK)
In collaboration with Programa de Pós-Graduação (PPG-IQSC)
POT1: a viable target for cancer chemotherapy?

3 p.m. Conceição A. Minetti (Rutgers University, USA)
Applications of isothermal titration calorimetry in the study of
metal-mediated protein-ligand inhteractions

3:40 p.m. Juliana Cheleski (IFSC, USP)
Understanding virus nuclear egress mediated by protein-protein complex

4 p.m. Closing remarks


Montanari & Andrei

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